You might be think of some healthy or vegtable beverages like: smoothies, fruit juices in your mind???
But not at all, no coffee, even no milk tea, the hot trend in the world which the young generations choose to keep in shape and skin is to drink “icy cocoa”.
1. Provide energy
Cocoa is the huge source of energy not only for your body but also for your brain, reduce stress almost immediately. If you dont believe, let try when you are tired, you should eat one piece of chocolate at a time or take a sip of milk cocoa, make sure you will het fresh right away.
2. Protect the skin
Its not the cause of acne like drinking coffee. If you make enough sweetness a cup of cocoa will feel more pinky and less wrinkled with a regular usage because the natural cocoa including the cell aging.
3. Body protection.
Let us reveal a secret to all of you that a pure cocoa product help to controls the weight better than dark chocolate (cocoa is 100% and chocolate is only 70% cocoa). Therefore, If you want to be healthy or fat, remember to use cocoa daily.
4. And the last thing … that it is really, really very delicious.
The natural ingredients without additives must be good, in addtion the taste is also amazing, even the idea to make cakes is not bad. Moreover you wont be worry about skincare with irritation.
Wake up and make a cup of cocoa beans, definitely awesome . Don’t be hesitate, let Vinacacao takes experience the great taste with you!
– Quickly order set of cocoa powder Morning – Afternoon – Evening from Vinacacao.